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加拿大的国宝海狸用英语怎么说(The Canadian National Treasure How to Say Beaver in English)

加拿大的国宝海狸用英语怎么说(The Canadian National Treasure How to Say Beaver in English)


Canada is the second-largest country in the world, with a rich natural environment and diverse wildlife. Among them, beavers are one of the most unique and interesting animals. They have a significant impact on Canada’s history, culture, and economy. However, if you are not a native English speaker, you may wonder how to say beaver in English. In this article, we will introduce the beaver, its importance to Canada, and its meaning in English.

About Beavers

Beavers are large rodents that are found throughout Canada. They are known for their sharp teeth and flat tails, which they use to build dams and lodges in rivers and streams. Beavers are herbivores and their diet consists mainly of bark, leaves, and twigs. They are active year-round and are well adapted to their aquatic environment. Beavers are also known for their impressive engineering skills, as they can modify their environment to suit their needs.加拿大的国宝海狸用英语怎么说(The Canadian National Treasure How to Say Beaver in English)

The Importance of Beavers in Canada

Beavers play a significant role in Canadian culture and history. They are often called the \”national animal\” of Canada and are featured on the Canadian nickel. Beavers were also hunted extensively in the fur trade, which played a key role in Canada’s early economy. Today, beavers continue to have an impact on the environment, as their dam-building activities can have positive and negative effects. On one hand, beaver dams can enhance wetland habitats and create diverse ecosystems. On the other hand, they can also cause flooding and damage to infrastructure.

How to Say Beaver in English?

If you are wondering how to say beaver in English, there are a few options. The most common word for beaver is, well, \”beaver\”. However, there are also some colloquial and slang terms that are used in different regions. For example, in some parts of Canada, beavers are called \”hats\” because of their role in the fur trade. In the United States, beavers are sometimes referred to as \”water rats\” or \”paddletails\”. However, it is important to note that these terms are not as widely used as \”beaver\”.

The Symbolism of Beavers

Beavers have a rich symbolism in Canadian culture. They are often associated with hard work, perseverance, and resourcefulness. The beaver’s ability to build sturdy dams and lodges has been admired throughout history, and they are often seen as a symbol of strength and resilience. Additionally, the beaver’s role in the fur trade has given it a place in Canadian history and culture.加拿大的国宝海狸用英语怎么说(The Canadian National Treasure How to Say Beaver in English)


Beavers are a unique symbol of Canada’s natural environment and cultural heritage. They have played a significant role in Canada’s history, economy, and environment. If you are traveling to Canada, make sure to keep an eye out for these fascinating creatures, and don’t forget their name in English – \”beaver\”!


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